I started using this product about a month ago and the changes to my toe-nails has been nothing short of remarkable!!
Went hiking with boots on that got very wet and after a short time, I noticed my toe-nails starting to thicken and get discolored. I hated it and tried to address this problem various ways without any real success. Then I discovered the nail restore product from the Natural Health Treasury and thought "why not?"... Boy am I glad I made that decision.
Not only have my nails been RESTORED but the discoloration is gone and the nail thickness has returned to normal.
Additionally and probably MOST importantly is the fact that since starting on the FSF, I no longer have to take my high blood pressure meds. Zero! Apparently, the FSF has cleaned out my cardiovascular system as well. How cool is that?
I can't recommend this product more highly. If you have problems with your toe-nails, then get this product NOW!!!! It's a God-send.
[5 of 5 Stars!]